The transformation of the society that began during the Early Iron Age reaches its most decisive moment with the Iberian Culture, one of the most important societies in the Mediterranean cultural melting pot during the second half of the 1st millennium B.C.

The new technologies, which were transmitted by the Phoenicians, are completely absorbed by the Iberian society. That society features a very hierarchical social organisation where aristocracy plays the main role.

The new technologies allow Iberians to elaborate innovative tools. Therefore, higher levels of production are reached both in the agriculture and livestock and in the handcraft sectors. That fact creates production surpluses that can be commercialised in the frame of Mediterranean trade exchange. 

The lineage-based aristocrat society will evolve towards an aristocratic clientelist society and eventually turn into an urban aristocratic society. A society totally integrated in the patchwork of Mediterranean cultures like those ones that spread from Phoenicia, Greece, Carthage or Rome and merged to create the base of what we nowadays call the Western Civilisation.

On the road you can visit the archaeological sites of En Balaguer in Portell, La Lloma Comuna in Castellfort, La Moleta dels frares in Forcall, El Puig de la Misericordia in Vinaròs, el Puig de la Nau in Benicarló, La Torre de Foios in Llucena, Sant Josep in la Vall d'Uixó, El Torrelló del Boverot in Almassora.

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